advanced veterinary medicine
Pet Surgery
Pet Surgery
Dr. Theresa, Dr. Mike, and Kate CVT are helping to provide surgical and anesthetic care to one sick pup with an emergency gastrointestinal obstruction!
Our doctors are experienced in many surgical procedures. These include:
- Spay and Neuter
- Foreign body surgery
- Bladder stone removal
- Splenectomy (removal of the spleen)
- Surgery involving the stomach, intestines, spleen, bladder
- Pyometra ( Pyo surgery )
- C-section
- Mass removal surgeries and biopsies
- Amputation
- Eyelid surgery
- Enucleation (Eye removal surgery)
*If your pet needs surgery that is not on this list, we may still be able to help! Please give us a call with any questions about surgeries offered.
We know anesthesia can be a scary word and we all feel uneasy when our loved ones are having this type of procedure. We get it! At Rox Falls Vet we have done everything we can to lower that risk under anesthesia. We have new, advanced anesthesia machines and monitoring equipment. We provide a dedicated veterinary nurse for monitoring anesthesia who has their eyes, ears, and hands on your pet at all times. Your veterinarian and your dedicated veterinary nurse work together as your pet’s anesthesia team. In the recovery area, your pet continues to be closely monitored, and at this time you will often get a text message or picture of your pet resting and as cute as can be! You can rest assured that your pet is getting the best care possible when he or she needs it.
Spay and Neuter
We recommend spaying and neutering your pets for a number of reasons. Some of these reasons include an effort to minimize mammary tumors, prevent the need for emergency pyometra surgery, decrease chances for prostatic and testicular diseases and cancers, as well as to improve certain behavioral conditions.